The lovely purple quilled seedling below recently won a seedling contest for the Favorite Open Form on the LA Chatter's! I was very surprised to have a maiden bloomer beat out some very stiff competition! Also humbled and honored!
I've been busy building a web site to feature my seedlings so I haven't been here at all since last bloom season. Here's a link to the "almost finished" site: BECCA'S DAYLILIES I do hope you will visit and feel free to contact me with any comments and do sign the Guest Book!
Looks to be a very busy spring for me as I finally get the potted breeding plants in the ground and several hundred seedlings, bot carried over in pots from last year and new seedlings started under the lights this winter. Plus I have several hundred more seeds yet to be planted, both my own crosses and crosses made by others and shared with me. Some of them will be most interesting to see bloom in a couple of years.
There aren't very many crosses due to maiden this season, only about 17 (50 or so seedlings) plus a few more that refused to bloom last season. Most of these are Tet full form seedlings with only a few SPUFs. It should be somewhat impressive to see the entire bed in bloom though.
I was able to move all but three keepers from the back bed to the big bed last summer and they will hopefully bloom this year and show improvement, especially since they were give considerably more room.
I will have to re-pot a good number of seedlings into larger pots where they will have to grow until they bloom. Most of these with be from the primary miniature crosses I made last season and perhaps a few odd numbered crosses. There were several seeds that sprouted before I was able to put the seeds in the fridge after harvest and those were planted in a huge pot last summer. Germination could have been better, but those that did grow, did very well and stay green until December. I did move them into the cold frame in late October, early November. Time will tell if they wintered over.
I started a major re-do on the front display beds last summer and will have to finish that this spring as well. The mound bed is almost there, but the surrounding beds still need a lot of work with some plants coming out, some being moved and a few new ones added. The Siberian Iris seedlings all need to be lifted and divided, not a chore I am looking forward to as they have gotten to be massive clumps!
I was able to make 2 successful crosses on my LA Lilies and was able to plant the seeds last fall. It will be very interesting to watch these grow and bloom for the first time. I had also left a few pods on some of the Asiatic Lilies and scattered them in random pots here and there. Hosta seeds collected from a neighbor's variegated plant, hardy hibiscus, clematis and seeds couple of different flower trees were also sown last fall. It will be very interesting and exciting seeing which ones come up this spring and which ones will need another winter. Fortunately I DID tag all the pots so I won't inadvertently dump anything that needs to sit around. Don't ask me where I think I'm going to grow out all these seedlings because I haven't figured that part out yet! Most will be pot grown, but that still requires space somewhere!
I hope to get pictures of some of these beds to post sometime during the growing season, until then, Happy Gardening!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I kept only three from this cross and only one of them bloomed last year ("C39"), the second seedling failed to bloom this year, but has made very good increase so ought to be very nice next season.
"A39" is probably the very best seedling to bloom this year. Not only is it a very pretty bloom, it is also relatively sun fast and holds up well to rain. I love the movement is found toward the end of this season's bloom cycle. Scapes weren't very tall, but at least well above the foliage. Both that bloomed this season were early-mid season bloomers, "C39" bloomed very late last year and was given the garden name of "Elizabeth Ann Benson", who owns and runs '' and the discussion boards there. She was so taken by the bloom when I posted n image of it last fall that I named it in her honor. "A39" hasn't been given a "garden name" yet, but I am trying to come up with one. "You're So Vein" comes to mind!
I kept only three from this cross and only one of them bloomed last year ("C39"), the second seedling failed to bloom this year, but has made very good increase so ought to be very nice next season.
"A39" is probably the very best seedling to bloom this year. Not only is it a very pretty bloom, it is also relatively sun fast and holds up well to rain. I love the movement is found toward the end of this season's bloom cycle. Scapes weren't very tall, but at least well above the foliage. Both that bloomed this season were early-mid season bloomers, "C39" bloomed very late last year and was given the garden name of "Elizabeth Ann Benson", who owns and runs '' and the discussion boards there. She was so taken by the bloom when I posted n image of it last fall that I named it in her honor. "A39" hasn't been given a "garden name" yet, but I am trying to come up with one. "You're So Vein" comes to mind!
DS12-18 is a seedling bred from 'Dark Star' lines; in these images it was paired up with 'Willie Belle'. As you see, I got three different looks from this one cross and that's only the seedlings that were kept and correctly identified! I did, however, keep more seedlings from a second DS12-18 cross using ;Crystalline Entity' as the pollen parent (not all of them were correctly tagged either).
D32 was an early bloomer this season, B32 began Mid-Season and A31 has just started to bloom, so, this year at least, the seedlings have spanned close to the full season. That could all change next season. All three were maiden bloomers this season so a lot of things may possibly change next season! Bloom size, color (though not so much withthe darker ones), movement and they should start getting better at branching and bud counts. Since these three are so diverse, I'd be hard pressed to pick my favorite, so I won't! Although "A31" is probably the best of the three. Time and maturity will tell the complete story.
DS12-18 is a seedling bred from 'Dark Star' lines; in these images it was paired up with 'Willie Belle'. As you see, I got three different looks from this one cross and that's only the seedlings that were kept and correctly identified! I did, however, keep more seedlings from a second DS12-18 cross using ;Crystalline Entity' as the pollen parent (not all of them were correctly tagged either).
D32 was an early bloomer this season, B32 began Mid-Season and A31 has just started to bloom, so, this year at least, the seedlings have spanned close to the full season. That could all change next season. All three were maiden bloomers this season so a lot of things may possibly change next season! Bloom size, color (though not so much withthe darker ones), movement and they should start getting better at branching and bud counts. Since these three are so diverse, I'd be hard pressed to pick my favorite, so I won't! Although "A31" is probably the best of the three. Time and maturity will tell the complete story.
Try as I did to not mix these up when they were moved to the keeper bed last fall, I still managed to mix them all up! I do know that 2005 - #1 is B30 this season and the #2 is D30, after that there was too much change in how they looked them to how they were this season! Currently all four are still keepers and it will depend on which ones develop into the very best seedlings as to which ones I keep for possible registration and introducrion. All will at least be nice garden plants so done will be destroyed.
Try as I did to not mix these up when they were moved to the keeper bed last fall, I still managed to mix them all up! I do know that 2005 - #1 is B30 this season and the #2 is D30, after that there was too much change in how they looked them to how they were this season! Currently all four are still keepers and it will depend on which ones develop into the very best seedlings as to which ones I keep for possible registration and introducrion. All will at least be nice garden plants so done will be destroyed.
Friday, July 21, 2006
I've downloaded the newest version of Picasa and am not quite comfortable with all the new buttons, so things are a in a bit of disarray! Sorry about that, folks! Plus, it's been a while since I've posted to my Journal and have forgotten how backward things are here!
Anyway, lots of new maiden blooms as well as second season bloomers to show you so do check back from time to time to see all the new images!
Anyway, lots of new maiden blooms as well as second season bloomers to show you so do check back from time to time to see all the new images!
Bloom Season 2006, Continued
Festive Art X Arctic Snow F7 

This is the second bloom from the Festive Art X Arctic Snow cross. I really like this one and hope to see significant improvement in it next season. The form will round up a little, but not as much as I want it to so now I will be working toward getting this color combination with an improved form, more rounded with shorter, broaded petals and sepals.

This is the second bloom from the Festive Art X Arctic Snow cross. I really like this one and hope to see significant improvement in it next season. The form will round up a little, but not as much as I want it to so now I will be working toward getting this color combination with an improved form, more rounded with shorter, broaded petals and sepals.

This first image is from the LT 12 X Pony cross. There were two that bloomed this season, unfortunately the fan was broken off of the second one and the scape it put up was very, very short so I didn't get any decent images of the poor blooms it tried to present me with.
The color on this one is better than the images shows and will continue to improve as the seedling matures and after I get it moved to a better location than the crowded seedling bed.

This medium sized bloom is from seedling numberF2 from Festive Art X Elegant Candy. Wonderful double edge on this one. There was one sibling that also bloomed, this is the better of the two.

This is number F6 from Festive Art X Arctic Snow and one of two nice seedlings to bloom from this cross. this seedling also has the double edge and is a large size than it's half sibling.

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