'Geri's Aura' - Not sure why this has been referred to as a UFas it isn't really, but it is a large flower (7.5-inches) and on a tall (37-inch) scape.(Image is from Tinker's Database).
CPXATW-sdlg # 3 This one is actually more pink than this image shows it.
In my last post I eluded to 'Harbor Blue' as being a Tet that I was looking forward to using with a couple of open-form Tets I have, well that would be hard to do since it is a Dip! The cultivar I meant to say is 'Geri's Aura', which is a lovely deep lavender UF that would work very well with the pinkish seedlings I have in mind. Of course that is if it and the seedlings survive the winter and if they all bloom! Two of the ones I have in mind to use are at the top of this post; both are out of 'Along the Way' breeding. One is an out cross (CPXATW), the other is a selfing (ATWf1).