Well, duh, what am I talking about! I don't even have 'Lilting Lavender'. I do, however, have 'Lilting Belle', which is the one I was talking about. In fact, I may have two of them as I have one in the front bed that is either LB or 'Orchid Corsage', they look so much alike it's hard to tell them apart before the clumps are really established. I used both for hybridizing this year and the LB, though slow to get started, was the only one to give me a decent amount of seeds.
Julia's Choice is a real Beauty. I have a trade set up for spring for this one for my garden.
I just ordered Lilting Lavender (Childs) and want to try that.
'Lilting Lavender' was slow to set pods for me this season, but did fine once it got started. Good yields too.
Well, duh, what am I talking about! I don't even have 'Lilting Lavender'. I do, however, have 'Lilting Belle', which is the one I was talking about. In fact, I may have two of them as I have one in the front bed that is either LB or 'Orchid Corsage', they look so much alike it's hard to tell them apart before the clumps are really established. I used both for hybridizing this year and the LB, though slow to get started, was the only one to give me a decent amount of seeds.
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