Following are four images of additional crosses I made in 2003 and planted in 2004 that could bloom next summer. The pod parents are pod sibling from a cross between 'Frans Hals" and 'Red Precious' that I got in a seed trade with a grower in Holland. I grew many seedlings from this cross but kept only three, the remaining ones are scattered about the country, even my daughter got a couple of them! I have not seem blooms from those that went to other gardens.
I used either one of the two siblings shown or both with the pollen parent shown, but I can't find my notes from back then so am not sure which one went with which pollen parent and it may well have been both! I did use both of these seedlings again this year with OFs and with miniatures.
Both of these sibs are short growers with small blooms and very open form, the darker one coming close to being a "true" spider. The ones that meet all the criteria I have set for miniature breeding plants will be used in that program, tall growers will be used elsewhere, if at all (depends on what comes from these crosses!).
The third sibling is quite tall scaped with smallish blooms that rather strongly resemble the 'Frans Hals" pod parent I think I got a few seeds from it this summer from 'Mad Max' pollen, but neither it nor MM were all that willing to produce this summer.
With all of these crosses I was going more for form than color, still 3 of the 4 should give nice reds, yellows and oranges; not sure what will come from 'Heavenly Curls', most likely more yellows.
There isn't anything unique about the seedlings, they carry some interesting traits in their genes and should be very good bridge plants for beginning a line of mini-spider/UFs. Along with 'Siloam Stormy Night', 'Eenie Weenie' and 'Little Grapette', all of which I used this season for the miniature program along with 'Hollywood Daily' and H. fulva rosea "Rosalind" (for for and color). The seedling bed should be quite interesting in a couple of years when this combination of breeding programs all bloom.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I've posted quite a few comp images of the parent plants of seedlings I expect to see bloom next season. Some crosses have only one seedling while others have several (Wilson Spider x Bark At Me has 3 or 4 seedlings that all look like they will be big enough to bloom). I am rather anxious to see these bloom as some are my own crosses and others are from purchased seeds. I also have a couple that only the pod parent is known and I will try to post images of the pod parent with the resulting seedling's maiden blooms when the time comes.
I am really interested in seeing what comes from the cross of Chicago Apache X Custard Candy, I know they will be eyed, but have no idea about what color they will be. Another one, one I haven't posted a comp pix of is using one of my near white seedlings with 'Wilson Spider'; I'm hoping for a nice near-white cascade from it.
I except the Chesapeake Crablegs X Heavenly Curls will be yellows and oranges and possibly a peach or melon pastel, but it will be a cascade for sure (watch me be wrong!
I am really interested in seeing what comes from the cross of Chicago Apache X Custard Candy, I know they will be eyed, but have no idea about what color they will be. Another one, one I haven't posted a comp pix of is using one of my near white seedlings with 'Wilson Spider'; I'm hoping for a nice near-white cascade from it.
I except the Chesapeake Crablegs X Heavenly Curls will be yellows and oranges and possibly a peach or melon pastel, but it will be a cascade for sure (watch me be wrong!

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
I've been thinking about these two open form seedlings and how best to move them toward unusual form. Bearing in mind what I have to work with by way of Tet PSUF cultivars, I don't have much to work with! 'Geri's Aura' isn't really one I should use for this purpose as it is just another open form when you stop and examine it. Two others I have are both reds and I really don't want to go that way, that leaves my only other Tet SPUF, 'Boney Maroney'. It's a very large bloom, perhaps 10-inches, it's drawback: it's yellow! Probably offspring colors would be in the peach range, which might not be all that bad.
What I may possibly do is cross 'Geri's Aura' with 'Boney Maroney' to produce lavender to peach "bridge plants" to use with the crosses made with the two open form seedlings and BM.
Sometimes it is difficult to only work with what you have. There are several seedlings and cultivars as well that I would like to play around with but just don't have the "right" partner for them. So I hold onto them in hopes that something will turn up in the seedling bed or I'll be able to trade for something I can use. I'm still hoping to get a really skinny red Tet spider to use with the offspring I get from my LT10 X 'Heavenly Fire Arrow' and 'Samar Star Fire' seedlings.
Here's a view of 'Boney Maroney':
What I may possibly do is cross 'Geri's Aura' with 'Boney Maroney' to produce lavender to peach "bridge plants" to use with the crosses made with the two open form seedlings and BM.
Sometimes it is difficult to only work with what you have. There are several seedlings and cultivars as well that I would like to play around with but just don't have the "right" partner for them. So I hold onto them in hopes that something will turn up in the seedling bed or I'll be able to trade for something I can use. I'm still hoping to get a really skinny red Tet spider to use with the offspring I get from my LT10 X 'Heavenly Fire Arrow' and 'Samar Star Fire' seedlings.
Here's a view of 'Boney Maroney':

Friday, December 09, 2005
In my last post I eluded to 'Harbor Blue' as being a Tet that I was looking forward to using with a couple of open-form Tets I have, well that would be hard to do since it is a Dip! The cultivar I meant to say is 'Geri's Aura', which is a lovely deep lavender UF that would work very well with the pinkish seedlings I have in mind. Of course that is if it and the seedlings survive the winter and if they all bloom!
Two of the ones I have in mind to use are at the top of this post; both are out of 'Along the Way' breeding. One is an out cross (CPXATW), the other is a selfing (ATWf1).
Two of the ones I have in mind to use are at the top of this post; both are out of 'Along the Way' breeding. One is an out cross (CPXATW), the other is a selfing (ATWf1).
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Thought I would post images of some of the crosses I've made this year. Most have been offered on the Lily Auction since there's no way I can keep every seed that was produced this season!
As you will see, these crosses run the gamut from Dips to Tets and full forms to SPUFs. There are only three colors I breed for, near white, lavenders and red, but I am also beginning top work with miniatures so there is pretty much a full range of colors there. The miniatures I am most interested in are SPUF forms and most of the crosses lead in that direction.
I'm also dabbling with doubles, which is difficult when you only have three registered cultivars and they don't bloom at the same time! So I use seedlings that were either from bee pods or "experiments"! I was able to add one double flowered cultivar to my collection this summer, 'Land of Cotton', but it will be another year or more before I can use it for breeding.
I still need to figure out where I am going to plant the seeds of the crosses I am keeping and unless I can talk my neighbor into tilling up more space for me, that may be a serious problem!
I still seem to have more yellow flowered cultivars than I would like to have, but I keep because they are such great performers in the garden. The same thing goes for a lot of the older cultivars I have, oh wait, most of the older ones ARE yellows! I' not really knocking yellows or older cultivars, but space is at such a premium here I can't keep everything I would like to. There are some of the golden oldiesI use for breeding. I like using the older ones as there is such a great wealth of un-tapped genetic information there and crossed with the more moder ones something really great is very likely to show up. Older 'spider forms' are really loaded with good genetic material, especially when you take into consideration nearly 3 decades when no one was working with them.
I do concentrate most of my breeding to working with the Diploids, SPUFs and full forms, and I really don't have a lot of Tetraploids to begin with. The few I have, that are registered cultivars are reds or near whites, plus I believe I have one that is purple and one that supposed to be peach. I do have quite a few Tet seedlings though and continue to work with them.
I also have a soft spot for bi-tones and bi-colors and have several of them, both registered cultivars and seedlings. I just started to breed with them this season and have several I would still like to use. . . . maybe next season I will be able to.
One of the Tet SPUFs I have is 'Harbor Blue' and am just itching to begin working with it.
I have a couple of open form Tet seedlings I'd like to use it with I'd also like to use it with one of my full form Tets, but will wait and see how that one develops over the next couple of years. It had a lot of pinching and twisting this year but may settle down and take on a more "traditional" form as it matures. It also needs to decide exactly what color it's going to be! It has bloomed this lovely raspberry as couple of times, but it has also been much lighter and nearly red! I prefer this color though. Hard to believe it's pod parent is 'Arctic Snow' isn't it. The pollen parent is one of my very first seedlings to ever bloom, a very nice red out of 'Chicago Sunrise' by 'Chicago Apache'. This seedling "AS2F" was showing a hint of an edge this season and I am really hoping it comes out as the seedling matures. I also love the "old fashioned" look of it; very traditional daylily form, "rounded triangle". It also has since to it and branching and bud count. Sure do hope it continues to improve!
I will be readdressing the images of the crosses made this year and try to give some insight into what I am looking from from each cross, or at least what I had in mind when making the cross.
As you will see, these crosses run the gamut from Dips to Tets and full forms to SPUFs. There are only three colors I breed for, near white, lavenders and red, but I am also beginning top work with miniatures so there is pretty much a full range of colors there. The miniatures I am most interested in are SPUF forms and most of the crosses lead in that direction.
I'm also dabbling with doubles, which is difficult when you only have three registered cultivars and they don't bloom at the same time! So I use seedlings that were either from bee pods or "experiments"! I was able to add one double flowered cultivar to my collection this summer, 'Land of Cotton', but it will be another year or more before I can use it for breeding.
I still need to figure out where I am going to plant the seeds of the crosses I am keeping and unless I can talk my neighbor into tilling up more space for me, that may be a serious problem!
I still seem to have more yellow flowered cultivars than I would like to have, but I keep because they are such great performers in the garden. The same thing goes for a lot of the older cultivars I have, oh wait, most of the older ones ARE yellows! I' not really knocking yellows or older cultivars, but space is at such a premium here I can't keep everything I would like to. There are some of the golden oldiesI use for breeding. I like using the older ones as there is such a great wealth of un-tapped genetic information there and crossed with the more moder ones something really great is very likely to show up. Older 'spider forms' are really loaded with good genetic material, especially when you take into consideration nearly 3 decades when no one was working with them.
I do concentrate most of my breeding to working with the Diploids, SPUFs and full forms, and I really don't have a lot of Tetraploids to begin with. The few I have, that are registered cultivars are reds or near whites, plus I believe I have one that is purple and one that supposed to be peach. I do have quite a few Tet seedlings though and continue to work with them.
I also have a soft spot for bi-tones and bi-colors and have several of them, both registered cultivars and seedlings. I just started to breed with them this season and have several I would still like to use. . . . maybe next season I will be able to.
One of the Tet SPUFs I have is 'Harbor Blue' and am just itching to begin working with it.

I will be readdressing the images of the crosses made this year and try to give some insight into what I am looking from from each cross, or at least what I had in mind when making the cross.

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